Free Preschool Curriculum

7 minutes

Table Of Contents
  1. Free Preschool Curriculum: A Guide to Early Childhood Education Success
  2. The Importance of Preschool Education
  3. Elements of a Preschool Curriculum
  4. Finding Free Preschool Curriculum Resources
  5. Implementing a Preschool Curriculum Effectively
  6. Customizing the Curriculum
  7. The Need for an Individualized Approach in Preschool Education
  8. The Importance of Preschool Education
  9. Elements of a Preschool Curriculum
  10. Addressing Curricular Challenges and Concerns
  11. Daily Structure for Preschool Curriculum (22 Working Days per Month)
  12. Each Day Includes:
  13. Follow the below-mentioned pages to access the Free Preschool Curriculum:
  14. Free Nursery Curriculum
  15. Free Lower Kindergarten Curriculum
  16. Free Upper Kindergarten Curriculum
  17. Free Junior Kindergarten Curriculum
  18. Free Senior Kindergarten Curriculum

Free Preschool Curriculum: A Guide to Early Childhood Education Success

Did you know that the first five years of a child’s life are fundamentally important for their future success? In this article, we are sharing complete resources with respect to the free preschool curriculum, in a month-wise, day-wise, and theme-wise curriculum format, with respect to all developmental domains- cognitive development, physical development, social and emotional development, language development, and creative development.

The key developmental domains in early childhood education include cognitive development, which focuses on intellectual abilities and learning; physical development, encompassing both gross and fine motor skills; social and emotional development, which involves understanding and managing emotions, as well as interacting with others; language development, encompassing both verbal and non-verbal communication skills; and creative development, which fosters imagination, creativity, and artistic expression.

The idea of free preschool curriculums is revolutionizing early childhood education. These programs offer young children access to quality education without the financial burden.

This article delves into the essentials of a preschool curriculum, access to free resources, and practical tips for effective implementation, setting the stage for a brighter future.

The Importance of Preschool Education

Developmental Significance:

Preschool education plays a critical role in shaping a child’s cognitive, emotional, and social development. These early years are crucial for setting a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success.

Long-term Benefits:

Research consistently shows that children who attend preschool are better prepared for school, both academically and socially. This early educational exposure can lead to higher academic achievement and improved social skills.

Elements of a Preschool Curriculum

Core Components:

A robust preschool curriculum includes literacy, numeracy, social skills, and creative play. These components are essential for holistic child development.


A good curriculum should cater to various learning styles and environments, ensuring that every child’s needs are met.

Finding Free Preschool Curriculum Resources

Online Resources:

Websites like and ‘Preschool For Child Rights’ offer free downloadable curriculums- Free Preschool Curriculum.

Community Resources:

Libraries and community centers often provide access to educational materials, as do nonprofits focused on early childhood education.

Expert Insights:

Experts in early childhood education- Rewati Raman Vishewar, Abhidha Seth emphasize the importance of engaging and developmentally appropriate materials.

Implementing a Preschool Curriculum Effectively

Home-Based Learning:

Parents can enhance their child’s learning experience by incorporating curriculum activities at home.

In-Class Strategies:

Educators can integrate free resources into their existing curriculum to enrich the learning experience.

Customizing the Curriculum

Inclusivity and Diversity:

Incorporating diverse and inclusive materials is crucial in reflecting the world around us.

Adapting to Special Needs:

Tailoring the curriculum to accommodate different learning needs ensures that all children benefit.

Explore and implement free preschool curriculum options to make a positive impact in early childhood education.

In this article “Free Preschool Curriculum”, we have also incorporated insights from the “National Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Curriculum Framework” document.

The Need for an Individualized Approach in Preschool Education

The ECCE program emphasizes the need for an individualized approach to early childhood education, tailored to each child’s developmental and contextual needs. This counters the trend of applying a one-size-fits-all curriculum, which can sometimes lead to overburdening young learners.

The Importance of Preschool Education

Critical Early Years for Brain Development

The first six years of life are pivotal for brain development, with research showing that 90% of a child’s brain development occurs by age six. This period is crucial for shaping a child’s cognitive abilities, emotional health, and social skills​​.

Role of Parents and Community in Early Education

Parents and the broader community play a crucial role in a child’s early education. Their involvement is critical in providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment, especially in the first two and a half to three years, which need not necessarily be within a formal educational setting.

Elements of a Preschool Curriculum

Holistic Development and Experiential Learning

Children develop holistically, benefiting from experiential learning. Active exploration using the senses – touch, taste, smell, and manipulation – is essential for building perceptual skills and fostering a positive disposition towards learning across various domains​​.

The Role of Play in Learning

Play is central to a child’s well-being and development. Through spontaneous play, children explore, experiment, manipulate, and solve problems, contributing significantly to their knowledge construction. This approach helps develop positive learning attitudes, crucial for academic success later in life

Addressing Curricular Challenges and Concerns

Multilingualism in Early Education

Language acquisition is a multifaceted issue in a multilingual setting like India. It’s essential to use the child’s home language or mother tongue in ECCE centers to support cognitive and social development. This approach respects linguistic diversity and promotes emotional security​​.

Inclusion and Special Education Needs (SEN)

Inclusive education is essential for addressing the diverse needs of all learners. This means providing access to mainstream early learning environments for children with disabilities and adopting a child-centered pedagogy. Identifying and building upon each child’s strengths and areas of proficiency is crucial. The curriculum must be flexible and accessible, with necessary adaptations in the physical environment and teaching methods to ensure inclusivity and equality.

Differentiation and Multi-Age Grouping

Acknowledging that each child has a unique pace of learning and varied interests, ECCE teachers should use differentiation strategies to meet these diverse needs. This approach involves tailoring content, process, products, and the learning environment to individual learning profiles. Multi-age grouping, where children of different ages are grouped together, allows each child to progress at their own pace, fostering a more inclusive and effective learning environment​

Gender Socialization and Equity

Early childhood is a critical period for gender socialization. A gender-sensitive curriculum should break gender stereotypes and promote equality from the start. Educators should encourage exploration of gender roles and expectations, ensuring equal treatment and opportunities for all children regardless of gender. This approach helps in developing a more equitable and inclusive society

Emphasizing the Role of Community and Continuous Learning

Our free preschool curriculum not only focuses on the child’s immediate educational needs but also incorporates the community’s role in reinforcing these learning experiences. Continuous professional development for educators, sensitization of parents, and community involvement are vital for a successful ECCE program. The curriculum should be dynamic, evolving with changing societal needs and educational insights.

By integrating these elements from the National ECCE Curriculum Framework, our article on “Free Preschool Curriculum” (Month-wise and Day-wise- Ten Months / 220 Days) now offers a comprehensive view of the varied aspects of early childhood education, emphasizing the importance of individualized learning, inclusion, and community involvement.

This holistic approach ensures that children are not only prepared academically but are also supported in their social, emotional, and cognitive development, laying a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success.

Daily Structure for Preschool Curriculum (22 Working Days per Month)

Each Day Includes:

Morning Circle Time:

Greeting and singing
Calendar and weather discussion
Introduction of the day’s theme or activity

Literacy and Language Development:

Storytime with thematic books
Alphabet games or phonics activities
Vocabulary building exercises

Numeracy Skills:

Counting games or number recognition activities
Basic math concepts (shapes, patterns, sorting)
Simple problem-solving tasks

Creative Arts:

Art and craft project related to the daily theme
Music and movement activities
Dramatic play or role-playing

Physical Development:

Outdoor play or indoor physical activities
Fine motor skills exercises (beading, cutting, drawing)
Gross motor skills activities (jumping, climbing, dancing)

Science and Exploration:

Simple science experiments or nature exploration
Sensory play (sand, water, playdough)
Observation and discussion about natural phenomena

Social and Emotional Skills:

Group games or team-building activities
Sharing and cooperative play
Discussions about emotions and feelings

Healthy Habits:

Snack time with a focus on healthy eating
Personal hygiene routines
Discussions on health and safety

Rest or Quiet Time:

Individual or quiet reading
Puzzles or quiet games
Relaxation or mindfulness activities

Review and Reflection:

Recap of the day’s activities
Sharing favorite moments or learnings
Preparation for the next day

Follow the below-mentioned pages to access the Free Preschool Curriculum:

Free Nursery Curriculum

Free Lower Kindergarten Curriculum

Free Upper Kindergarten Curriculum

Free Junior Kindergarten Curriculum

Free Senior Kindergarten Curriculum

Contact Rewati Raman Vishewar for your Customised Curriculum requirements and also for Training, Assessment, Research, Startup, and Survey related services.

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