Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™

Our innovative Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™ is a captivating blend of Montessori pedagogy and visionary educational philosophies that will inspire young minds and invigorate your preschool’s learning environment.

With Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™, we have carefully developed a unique educational experience that celebrates the rich diversity of renowned educational pioneers such as Rudolf Steiner (Waldorf), Loris Malaguzzi (Reggio Emilia), Howard Gardner, Jean Piaget, and many more. By integrating their profound insights into our Montessori-based curriculum, we have created an unparalleled tapestry of learning opportunities for your students.

Our curriculum’s foundation lies in Montessori principles, empowering children to become independent thinkers and active learners. Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™ cultivates a love for learning that will last a lifetime, focusing on hands-on exploration, self-directed discovery, and respect for individual development.

Our curriculum goes beyond traditional Montessori education. Drawing inspiration from many educational luminaries like John Dewey, Lev Vygotsky, Erik Erikson, Abraham Maslow, and others, we have designed an explorer-style curriculum that engages all facets of a child’s holistic development. From cognitive growth and social-emotional intelligence to creative expression and critical thinking, Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™ provides a comprehensive approach that nurtures well-rounded individuals.

Imagine a preschool where every day is an exciting adventure, with opportunities for your little explorers to delve into the world of Paulo Freire, Friedrich Froebel, Jerome Bruner, Benjamin Bloom, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindra Nath Tagore, and more. Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™ embraces their transformative ideas, infusing your preschool with a vibrant energy that fosters a love for learning and a genuine enthusiasm for the world around us.

As you embark on this educational journey with Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™, your preschool will stand out as a beacon of excellence, capturing parents’ and children’s hearts and minds. Prepare to witness the joy of learning, the thrill of exploration, and the growth of confident, compassionate, and creative young learners.

Unleash the potential of your preschoolers with Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™ – the curriculum that sparks curiosity, fosters creativity, and paves the way for a lifelong love of learning. Join us on this remarkable adventure today!

This is a customised preschool curriculum that is made available as per the requirements of the client preschool. The budget required for this curriculum would range from INR 15 Lakhs per academic session to INR 60 Lakhs.

In this Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™, the client will have the flexibility to choose Multi Grade Multi Level Classroom option (MGML) or may also choose Four Preschool Programs as mentioned below-

A. Multi Grade Multi Level Classroom option (MGML) as per Montessori philosophy

B. Four Preschool Programs –

  • Playgroup (Age group 2 to 3/3.5 years),
  • Nursery (Age group 3/3.5 to 4/4.5 years),
  • Lower Kindergarten (Age group 4/4.5 to 5/5.5 years), and
  • Upper Kindergarten (Age group 5/5.5 to 6/6.5 years).

Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™, a child-centered educational experience that fosters holistic development and a lifelong love for learning. Bring the Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™ today to your Preschool and school and give your child the gift of a well-rounded, engaging, innovative, imaginative education and the best possible start in the world of Early Childhood Education Curriculum!

Montessori Mosaic Explorers Preschool Curriculum™ combines the principles of Montessori education with insights from various educational pioneers to create a comprehensive, child-centered, and adaptable curriculum that promotes holistic development, individualized learning, and a strong foundation for future educational success.

Customisations available –

  • Preschool Clients have the option to get customised curriculum for the following two Programs (instead of the four programs listed above) – Nursery and Kindergarten.
  • Preschool clients have the option to get the worksheets customised as per their requirements.
  • Preschool clients have the option to opt for the training program and mentoring as per their budget and need- Monthly, Weekly, or Quarterly.
  • Preschool clients have the option to choose lump sum payment or installment payment as per their requirements.

Three Key Components

The curriculum comprises the child, the favorable environment, and the teacher, forming a dynamic interaction essential to the Montessori approach​.

Holistic Learning Approach

Focuses on the child’s ability to observe, explore, investigate, and learn in a non-structured manner, without the confines of specific subjects or lessons​.

The Absorbent Mind

Recognizes the unique stage of early development where the child is a spontaneous learner, absorbing knowledge from their environment.

Sensitive Periods

Acknowledges specific times in a child’s life when they are predisposed to acquire certain skills and abilities​.

Favorable Environment

The curriculum emphasizes creating an environment that is conducive to the development of each child’s full potential.

Child-Centric Design

The environment and teaching methods are designed keeping in mind the unique individuality and potential of each child.

Activity-Based Learning

The curriculum includes a wide range of accessible and engaging activities, encouraging self-driven and hands-on learning.

Freedom and Responsibility

Children are given the freedom to choose activities, fostering self-motivation and responsibility within a structured framework.

Real and Tangible Learning Materials

Emphasizes the use of real objects and three-dimensional models for exploration and vocabulary development.

Continuous Teacher Adaptation

Teachers are expected to adapt and develop learning materials based on their observations of individual children’s needs​.

Development of Self-Discipline and Control

The curriculum fosters self-discipline and control through a structured yet flexible learning environment​.

Enhanced Social Awareness

Children develop social awareness and cohesion through interaction with peers and teachers within the Montessori setting.

Comprehensive Skill Development

Children develop a range of skills, from cognitive and social-emotional to creative expression and critical thinking.

Encouragement of Natural Curiosity

The curriculum nurtures children’s natural curiosity and love for learning by allowing them to explore their interests​.

Adaptability to Individual Needs

The curriculum is adaptable to each child’s learning pace and interests, ensuring personalized growth and development.

Preparation for Future Learning

Establishes a strong foundation for future learning by fostering independence, curiosity, and a love for learning.

Balanced Development

Offers a balanced approach to education, considering both academic and personal growth.

Positive Learning Environment

Creates a positive and engaging learning environment that encourages children to explore and learn autonomously.

Stage-Specific Development

The curriculum acknowledges that children develop in stages, each with unique qualities that are reflected in the learning environment and teaching strategies​.

Freedom Within Structure

Children have the freedom to choose activities that meet their needs, encouraging self-directed learning and fostering a sense of responsibility and social awareness.

Adaptable and Evolving Teaching Role

Teachers act as facilitators, guiding children’s access to resources and adapting the environment to individual needs, embodying a reflective practice that responds to children’s evolving needs and interests​.

Encouragement of Curiosity and Exploration

The approach nurtures a child’s curiosity and interest in exploring and understanding their environment, both inside and outside the classroom setting​.

Emphasis on Process Over Product

Montessori’s focus on the child’s work emphasizes the importance of the learning process rather than the final product, fostering skill development through repetition and engagement.

Holistic Development

Focuses on the complete development of the child, incorporating physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth.

Montessori Method

Adheres to the key components of the Montessori Method, which include the child, the favorable environment, and the teacher.

Real-Life Materials

Uses real or three-dimensional models to encourage exploration and vocabulary extension.

Continuous Relevance

Learning materials are continuously updated to remain relevant and engaging.

Emphasis on Play

Acknowledges play as an effective tool for learning, balancing structured activities with free play​.

Comprehensive Development

Provides a well-rounded educational experience, focusing on all aspects of a child’s development.

Adaptability and Flexibility

The curriculum is adaptable and can be tailored to meet the needs of different preschools and cultural contexts.

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